Contact Us
We hope you enjoy the skinfo® skin care product site, and as always, if you have any questions regarding your skincare needs, please email us at, call 847-459-2800, or visit our skinfo® specialty skincare boutique in Lincolnshire and Glencoe, IL!
* If you are under the care of a physician for dermatologic concerns, please consult your physician prior to using any new products. The combination of topical cosmeceutical and prescription products may benefit or may produce adverse reactions due to increased stimulation on the skin. If you have any specific questions that we may answer for you, please email or use the form below.
* If you are under the care of a physician for dermatologic concerns, please consult your physician prior to using any new products. The combination of topical cosmeceutical and prescription products may benefit or may produce adverse reactions due to increased stimulation on the skin. If you have any specific questions that we may answer for you, please email or use the form below.