Post work out skincare

We all know exercising is good for our body and mind. Nothing compares to that endorphin release after that high-intensity workout at the gym. I’m sure you’ve heard that saying, “If you don’t sweat, you’re not working hard enough”

As we sweat our bodies are releasing toxins from our skin and clearing out our pores. With that being said it may also be a cause for your breakouts. Heading to the gym straight from work? Don’t forget to take off your makeup before jumping into your warm up.

Here are some “must-have” products in my gym bag:

  • Colorescience Hydrating Cleansing Cloths my hidden beauty secret in my gym bag. It’s a great alcohol-free cleansing wipe that’s so gentle but will still remove makeup packed with soothing antioxidants and hydrating Vitamin E and B5.
  • It’s so important to cleanse the body right after your workout to prevent any bacteria to sit on the skin. Glytone Exfoliating Body Wash (6.7fl oz)8.8% free acid value glycolic acid. It’s a blue-gel consistency that smells like powder. Gentle enough to use daily but great post workout to exfoliate that dried up sweat sitting on your skin.

TEENS! Don’t forget about skinfo® Clean and Tone Pads these are acne fighting pore minimizing wipes to prevent breakouts. 2% Glycolic Acid and 2% Salicylic Acid for a quick wipe after football or baseball practice. I’m sure those helmets are filled with bacteria allowing you to be more prone to break-outs along your hairline.


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